Eu​ro-Osteopathic Approach

A grass roots approach to treating​ body pain
A grass roots approach to treating​ body pain
If you are looking for something other than the standard methods of manual therapy and you have not heard about Osteopathy let me explain how I work.
The main theme of Osteopathy is creating balance in your body.
On the first appointment I ask you about your health history, everything is relevant, physical abilities/disabilities, environment in childhood all give me a picture of why you are in my clinic today.
I work with the whole body, from head to toe.
Osteopathy teaches that the body is totally connected and even if one area is affected the whole body feels the effects. The body has the inherent capability to repair itself and as an Osteopathic Manual Therapist that goal is in my mind at all times.
I use my hands to gently encourage the body to regain its balance. There are different techniques I use to affect the parts of the limbs, spine, thorax, abdomen, organs and head to help encourage better circulation to these areas, increase flexibility, reduce toxins and bring balance and health thereby reducing pain.
Have a look below at what areas Osteopathy can help you regain balance and health.......

A Natural Solution to:
A Natural Solution to:
- Head Pain​
- Jaw Pain
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Shoulder / Arm /H​and Pain
- Hip/ Ankle / Foot Pain

- Arthritis
- Digestive Ailments like: reflux, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain
- Whipla​sh
- Pinched Nerves
- Repetitive strain / injury
- Headaches
- Vertigo