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Services Offered

Your place to discover balance


Osteopathic Manual Therapy uses gentle hands-on techniques to bring balance to the body.  If there are  areas of body pain and reduced mobility, my aim is to bring circulation,  improved  lymphatic and fascial fluidity;  mobility and neural function to the hard and soft tissues of the body.  

          I use a number of different methods of therapy such as:

  • Visceral Manipulation - identifying what is causing discomfort with the organs of the body and using gentle hands-on techniques to bring improved function back to the organs.  I have been trained in the 'Barral Method'- the leading Visceral French Osteopath Jean Pierre Barral.
  • Fascial Unwinding - understanding that fascia is the highly sensitive web like scaffolding enveloping and connecting every tissue  within the body together, twisting of this tissue structure can have far reaching manifestations .  Often I can touch the bottom of your feet and you may feel some tingling at the base of your skull!!  I am following the techniques developed by French Osteopath Serge Paoletti.
  • Lymphatic Drainage - There are many reasons for swelling and congestion, it's important to identify these correctly and apply the proper therapy.  I have been trained in the 'DiAmbrogio Method '- Developed by Canadian Osteopath Kerry DiAmbrogio.
  • Cranial Osteopathic Mobilizations - using subtle touch on the head to release imbalances of the skull joints.  This is helpful for headaches, tinnitus, TMJ dysfunction. I follow the techniques taught by John Upledger.
  • Neuromuscular Techniques - using a variety of pressure and stretching movements to restore muscle and tone.
  • Joint Mobilizations - involving a series of small but fast movements of the joints to improve mobility and decrease joint pain.


In my 20 years of practice I have always been a big believer that what we put into our body, how our body processes it and how it eliminates it is key to how healthy we are.

Today our resources of food have been tainted with toxins from pollutants to additives.  Also, the rampant dependence on medications to reduce pain has altered the body's delicate chemical balance.  We were not created to exist on these foreign entities.  Over time the process of absorption, assimilation, and elimination becomes compromised.

Alternatively, I believe strongly in supporting our body with a balanced diet and adding supplements and herbs that give us the nutrients that are lacking in the foods since the Industrial Era.  

I give my clients  suggestions on where their nutrition can be improved upon, whether it be in diet or supplementation.


Another part of a person's health includes how easily they are able to move about in this world pain free.  As we age our joints loose their flexibility, our muscles tighten up, we develop inflammation and pain ensues.  But all is not lost!!  It takes work, there is no magic pill, but we can work toward improving mobility and reducing inflammation in our joints.

In the 90's I had a skiing injury that tore the ligaments of both my knees.  Fortunately at that time I was taking my Osteopathic training in England and I had access to great professors who helped me through the rehabilitation process.  A big part of this was strengthening and stretching the muscles surrounding the knee joints

 I have put these principles to work for my clients as well with great results.  In my practice I help my clients understand their bodies and give them key techniques to help increase mobility and strength and decrease pain.

I am qualified as a Level 4 Essentrics (TM) Instructor .  This is the popular "Aging Backwards" system of total body balancing through active stretching and strengthening developed by Miranda Esmonde White.   I offer 2 classes a week in St. Albert, AB.  If you are interested in joining just email me.

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